Bering Shipyards: Where expertise meets innovation

Bering Yachts takes pride in crafting exceptional vessels at the forefront of design and technology. Our commitment to quality extends to the shipyards we established in the middle of Europe, ensuring the highest construction standards throughout the entire process.

Türkiye is a global powerhouse in shipbuilding

Türkiye, the home of our primary shipyard, boasts a rich maritime heritage and is now the world’s second-largest boat-building nation. This translates to a skilled workforce, advanced infrastructure, and a thriving maritime ecosystem, all contributing to the exceptional quality of Bering Yachts.

A strategic shift from East to West

Previously, some yacht construction took place in China. However, Türkiye offers several advantages. Türkiye’s Free Zones, designated areas with streamlined regulations and tax benefits, ensure efficient production and cost-effectiveness for the clients. The country’s centralized location also fosters seamless communication and collaboration throughout the build process.

Bering Shipyards
Bering Shipyards
Bering Shipyards
Bering Shipyards

Transparency and trust

While global politics can be a concern, Türkiye remains a stable and reliable partner for international businesses. Bering Yachts prioritizes complete transparency with the clients, keeping them informed throughout the construction process. We are dedicated to mitigating any potential risks and ensuring a smooth experience.

Expanding horizons: Bering in Bulgaria

Bering Yachts is excited to announce a new shipyard in Bulgaria, a rising star in European boat building. This expansion allows us to leverage the expertise of another skilled workforce while offering our clients even greater flexibility and choice.